Quick Start and Examples

Enable defaults

When you first open the editor, you will see something like this:

    "enabled": false,
    "show_option": true,
    "origins": [
            "name": ["default"],
            "address": {
                "country": "US",
                "postal_code": "90028",
                "province": "CA",
                "city": "Hollywood",
                "address1": "6925 Hollywood Blvd"
    "default": {
        "price_modifier": {}

To enable the default sample rates, just change "enabled" to true and click 'Save'.

The sample will include some basic USPS rates. The cheapest rate is always showing as "Free shipping"

Make your changes

Let's say you would like to remove the 'Free' threshold. Find the block that looks like this:

"cheapest": {
    "total_price": 0,
    "display_text": "Free Shipping"

Now delete the entire block, making sure you include all the characters as shown above, then click 'Save'. This ensures that the cheapest rate will no longer be free. If you paste it back and Save again, the Free shipping is back.


Example configs can be found here: https://gitlab.com/decimal/example-configs/tree/master

results matching ""

    No results matching ""